Dedicated MHDs also worked in the Historical Office of Headquarters, United States Army, Vietnam the 5th Special Forces Group, 1st Special Forces the 1st Aviation Brigade and similar specialized headquarters.Įntries are arranged in numerical order reflecting the sequence in which the tapes were received at the Office of the Chief of Military History (OCMH), which was the title of the agency during the time of the Vietnam War. One detachment in Vietnam was attached to each division, separate combined arms brigade, armored cavalry regiment, or corps (XXIV Corps and I and II Field Force, Vietnam). MHDs in Vietnam normally consisted of one officer (major) and one enlisted man (sergeant). Most of the interviews were conducted by Military History Detachments (MHDs) although some were conducted by additional duty historical officers in various units or by special researchers. The vast majority of the interviews were conducted in Vietnam by combat historians deployed as part of the Army's official historical effort. The VNI collection consists of interviews recorded in paper format, placed in file folders with supporting documentation. These breaks are noted as either “no folder” or “folder missing,” with the latter indicating that there was a folder with that sequence number listed in an earlier finding aid. There are several places where there is a break in interview sequence numbers. A description of each sub-collection is at the beginning of each section. This consolidated finding aid is divided into two sections reflecting the original organization and numbering of the Vietnam Interview (VNI) Collection and Vietnam Interview Tape (VNIT) Collection. The collection is divided into two parts, the Vietnam Interviews (VNI) and Vietnam Interview Tapes (VNIT). It lists all Vietnam oral history interviews maintained by the US Army Center of Military History Archive. This finding aid is current as of September 26, 2005. For example, I just received the December 1969 interview with COL John Reid, Commander, ACTIV, which I've now uploaded.įINDING AID TO VIETNAM INTERVIEW TAPE (VNIT) COLLECTION

The oral histories below can be obtained by submitting a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the US Army Center of Military History at email address: October 16, 2017: As a acquire the oral histories below I'll add links. I obtained the list through FOIA in September of 2017. The list was last modified on May 7, 2008. Below are a list of oral histories held by US Army Center of Military History about the Vietnam War.